Thursday 19 June 2014

Not all GMOs are Created Equal

You Won’t Believe What These GMOs Do To Consumer

Discussions about genetic engineering tend to focus around pesticide resistance and Monsanto. Much like with electricity, genetic modification is simply an enabling technology: its ethical repercussions are dependent on what is being done and how. tend to focus around pesticide resistance and Monsanto. Much like with electricity, genetic modification is simply an enabling technology: its ethical repercussions are dependent on what ne and how. 
With the emergence of Australian  genetically modified bananas, which much like golden rice produces extra vitamin A, it is important that we discuss what these products do to those who consume them. If research with golden rice is any indication, and honestly it is very likely to be so, then we can safely assume that the  body can readily absorb it (Tang, 2012).
Because these crops are not designed to also be sprayed with poisons, or to produce any pesticides themselves, there are few if any risks to the individual. There is absolutely no link between GM crops and cancer or any other illness, although the same cannot be said for the chemicals that are routinely sprayed on them: the most common is known as Roundup (Glyphosate) and is a  potent toxin and endocrine disruptor (Gasnier, 2009).
The bananas in the picture are normal Gutatemalan red bananas. How the GM bananas will look is unclear, although they are likely to be more orange (like . How the GM bananas will look is unclear, although they are likely to be more orange (like golden rice, compared to normal rice).
Not all GMOs are equal, and these  vitamin A based crops seem to pose little to any danger while offering the benefit or providing millions with seem to pose little to any danger while offering the benefit or providing millions with a vitamin they could otherwise be deficient in: leading to blindness and potentially death. So what will these GMOs do to consumers? They will likely make people more healthy with no real dangers, and do not carry the same risks as Monsanto’s staple crops, which are spliced with  Bt and/or herbicide resistance.and/or herbicide resistance.


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