Sunday 21 April 2013

Why $50,000 Gold?

I have a huge number of emails all asking why $50,000 gold.

 The answer is that the bullion market is in the process of emancipation of the gold price from the fractional paper gold system.

 The actualization of the real price of gold will be its emancipation from the prison of paper gold. The emancipation will occur because there is no gold whatsoever behind the deluge of paper we have just witnessed.

The central banks have most of their gold under lease. That gold was leased by gold banks and then sold for cash. That cash has been dispersed.

There are no funds to re-buy the gold that the leases call for upon maturity. The central banks cannot lease out any more gold. The entire fractional gold paper scam sits upon gold leases that are exploding right now.

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